Ferdinand Karapetyan to miss the next tournament due to injury

Photo: cloudinary.com

Armenian judoka Ferdinand Karapetyan (73kg) reached the final of the Grand Prix last week, but an injury forced him to withdraw. The final match did not take place and Karapetyan received the silver medal.

Head coach of the Armenian judo team Hovhannes Davtyan has announced that Karapetyan will miss the qualification event in Paris (on February 7-8) as well.

“It is unclear when Ferdinand is going to recover for the injury. We hope he can go to the tournament in Dusseldorf at least, on February 21. It’s very important that Ferdinand is fully recovered before competing,” Davtyan said as quoted by the Armenian National Olympic Committee.

Currently, Karapetyan ranks at 26 in his weight category. He needs to be in top 25 to qualify for the Olympics.


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