Levon Aronian is ready to join the army and defend his country

Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian has spoken again about the war in Artsakh. In an interview to chess24.com, he has told he is ready to join the army and fight for his country. The interview followed Aronian’s third-place finish in Norway Chess.

“My country is under assault by Turkey and Azerbaijan. We are trying to protect ourselves and our right to live in peace. For every Armenian in the world this is now the main concern. I am going back tomorrow and will do everything I can to help my country overcome this trouble.

I will do everything to help my country with everything I can. If it is necessary for my country for me to be in the army I will do that. I can tell you that since the war started September 27 I haven’t had any normal sleep and have not been able to concentrate on chess
At the same time, it has allowed me to relax because I care so much about my friends and family who are there in the war so I think I am just letting myself go. Maybe that is why my results were good, because I didn’t care.

I know we will do everything to survive. At the moment you don’t really think about optimism or pessimism. You think about your duty. And this is our duty.

Both my grandfathers fought in a war. My grandfather left his two children and went to the war without questioning if this is right or wrong. He knew he had to do it. That’s how I feel as well.|

Haykaz Ghazaryan


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